We have a winning record to build on. We are a national leader among states.
Under Rosa's leadership
After the last two years, working together, Oregon is positioned with strength to fight the Trump administration and to do all we can to protect Oregonians from the storms to come.
Brought in critical resources
Personally solicited $145K from the DNC for last-minute GOTV efforts that made the difference.
Expanded Democratic presence in Oregon
Reestablished the Wallowa County Democrats, enhancing our statewide organizing strength. (Thanks to Devon Maxwell for her initiative and organizational groundwork.)
Modernized party engagement
Implemented hybrid State Central Committee meetings, breaking down voting barriers and empowering greater participation from every corner of Oregon.
Transformed leadership in the DPO
Appointed the most diverse team of standing committee leaders in the history of the DPO. Encouraged bridge building between caucuses.
Set a new standard for grassroots turnout
Achieved a 93.5% participation rate in the 2024 Neighborhood Leader Program, outpacing Oregon’s overall turnout by 20%.
Stood strong for progress
Delivered 55.27% of the vote to Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, reaffirming our state's commitment to Democratic leadership.
Established the first ever DPO DEI special committee
As Trump tears down, Oregon builds up our active conversation about how to expand diversity, equity, and full inclusion to win elections.
One of Oregon's proud moments of 2024
Rosa's service by the numbers
Together we fight for every vote! This is what we do.
Stood strong for progress
Delivered Oregon vote to Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, and affirmed our state's commitment to Democratic leadership.
- 55.27% of Oregon's votes for President were Democratic!
Joined hardworking volunteers to GOTV
Personally canvassed for candidates in Congressional District 4, 5, and 6.
Defended key Congressional seats
Reelected Val Hoyle (CD4) and Andrea Salinas (CD6) despite aggressive national GOP targeting.
- CD4: Val Hoyle (National Target) - 51.8% 2024; 50.5% 2022 / +1.3%
- CD6: Andrea Salinas (National Target) - 53.4% 2024; 50.1% 2022 / +3.3%
Flipped CD5 and made history
Elected Janelle Bynum, Oregon’s first Black U.S. Representative.
Bynum 47.69% to Chavez-Deremer, 44.96%
Protected progressive leadership
Elected Maxine Dexter to CD3 and reelected Suzanne Bonamici to CD1.
Swept all three open statewide offices.
Elected Tobias Read as Secretary of State, Dan Rayfield as Attorney General, and Elizabeth Steiner as State Treasurer.
- Tobias Read, Secretary of State - 54.46%
- Elizabeth Steiner, the first woman State Treasurer - 49.39%
- Dan Rayfield, Attorney General - 54.37%
Delivered a game-changing legislative majority.
Secured supermajorities in both the Oregon House and Senate.
- +1 seat in the Senate
- +1 seat in the House
Rosa's Enduring Record of Service
She has dedicated her life to the Democratic party at the local, county, state and federal levels. Rosa wakes up everyday thinking about how to make life better for all Oregonians.
Experienced Leadership, Unwavering Commitment, 2014-2025
- Chair, Democratic Party of Oregon, 2023-2025 (2 years)
- Oregon Leader, National Coalition of Women for Biden-Harris (later Harris-Walz), 2022-2024
- Oregon Delegation Chair, DNC National Convention (2024)
- Chair, Associated State Democratic Committees Western Region, Voter Protection and Engagement (2025)
- Vice Chair, Democratic Party of Oregon, 2021-2023 (2 years)
- Oregon Delegation Chair, DNC National Convention (2020)
- Chair, DPO Budget Committee, 2019-2021 and 2021-2023 (4 years)
- Chair, Democratic Party of Oregon 2021 Statewide Platform Convention (Major party endeavor with legislative impacts)
- Chair, DPO Black Caucus, 2019-2021 and 2021-2023 (4 years)
- Chair, DPO R.E.A.L. Special Committee - Racial Equity, Accountability and Leadership Special Committee, 2019-2023
- Moderator, 2020 Swearing-in Ceremony for Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum (Oregon's first female AG)
- Member, DPO Code of Conduct Special Committee, 2019-2020
- Founding Member, Multnomah County Racial Inclusivity Work Group, 2017 - 2020
- Vice Chair, DPO Credentials Committee, 2017-2018
- Chair, Washington County Democrats, 2015-2016
- 2nd Vice Chair, Washington County Democrats, 2014
Organized and hosted in August 2021, Virtual Oregon "Democracy Can't Wait Rally."
In an urgent effort to fight to protect our democracy, the Declaration for American Democracy sponsored an August 10th nationwide day of a call to action with “Our Democracy Can’t Wait Rallies.” The main purpose of the rallies was to speak to the need to protect our democracy by passing the “For the People Act” into law.
The Oregon rally, through the extensive outreach and coordination of Dr. Colquitt with staff, brought together U.S. Senators Wyden and Merkley, Secretary of State Shemia Fagan, Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, a number of Oregon state legislators, and other committed community activists. It was a great day for Oregon Democrats!)