Rosa's Priorities

We must succeed at the crucial work of expanding our party and electing Democrats to build our resilience in a hostile national political climate.

Dem donkey icon

Win in 2025

  • Poised to fight forward to Oregon's May 2025 School Board races and all local campaigns.
  • Align across caucuses to support the Equal Rights for All Ballot Initiative.

Win in 2026

  • Committed to maintaining the Governor's Office.
  • We must flip the House and Senate.
  • Pledged to fight to win up and down the ballot in the midterms.

Lay groundwork to win in 2028

  • No matter what we encounter, we will never stop fighting to win back the White House in 4 years.
canvassing OR City

As our party’s chair, I ask you to make no mistake: we will protects the rights of women, immigrants, transgender and LGBTQIA+ folks, and communities of color here in Oregon. And we will not stand for racism in the guise of dismantling DEI.

Oregon's Future is at Stake

It's time for us all to pull together. It will be hard work, characterized by service and outreach to rural and urban counties and communities, consistently advocating for full inclusion and representation. It will take all of us to unite to defend our Oregon values.

Here are my priorities in the face of a president attempting to dismantle the government:

  • Healthcare for all
  • Civil and human rights
  • Reproductive rights
  • Support for working families and workers rights
  • Environmental justice & climate change
  • LGBTQIA+ rights
  • Food insecurity
  • Social security
  • Housing access
  • Immigrant rights
  • Educational access for all
  • Gun safety measures
  • Winning back our youth, multigenerational, multiracial working class base
  • Modernizing political strategies

I look forward to talking with you about these priorities, but more importantly, I look forward to talking with YOU about your priorities.

Building Local Strength

Protecting our democracy begins at home.

Here are my priorities for building resilience.

  • Increased investments in local county parties.
    County parties need funds to organize, build networks, recruit and support candidates throughout the year. 
  • Creating a leadership mentor program.
    Oregon's future depends on building tomorrow's strong leaders today.
  • Amplifying voice from all corners of the state.
    Continuing to uplift ALL voices across urban and rural communities to fight for the values that unite us

I advocate across the state for the rights of individuals and communities to thrive. An important part of that is LGBTQIA+ rights because LGBTQIA+ are in all of our families. What threatens one community threatens all of us.

- Dr. Rosa Colquitt

Rosa would love to hear from you. Drop a line with your questions and ideas.